Down to Earth Garden Club, ​South Windsor, CT
Membership Form
Click to: PRINT AND MAIL COMPLETED FORM AND A CHECK PAYABLE TO “Down To Earth Garden Club" to our Treasurer:
Bill Marshall, 145 Rockledge Drive, South Windsor, CT 06074
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES - for secure online payments click here Membership
Telephone: __________________cell:____________ Best time to call:____________
E-mail Address:________________________________________________________
Preferred method of contact:______________________________________________
[ ] I am a new member [ ] I wish to renew my membership [ ] Gift/Donation
Annual Membership (Sept-Aug) $20.00 per year per Person .......... $ _______
​New Members (March-Aug) $10.00 - Half-year Dues
​I wish to make a contribution to the Garden Fund $ _________
Total enclosed: ........................................................................................... $ _________
Please check your areas of interest in ways you will help the club:
[ ] Would you be willing to serve as a Garden Club officer in the future?
[ ] Planning community garden projects (Garden Committee)
[ ] Help maintain our community gardens (Garden Maintenance Teams)
[ ] Planning the biennial Garden Tour (Garden Tour Committee)
[ ] Planning the biennial Plant Sale (Garden Tour Sub-Committee)
[ ] Assist on Garden Tour / Plant Sale day
[ ] Participating in Special Events (e.g. Heritage Day, Strawberry or Apple Harvest Festival)
[ ] Selecting Programs and Presenters (Program Committee)
[ ] Making members (new & old) and visitors feel welcome (Membership Committee)
[ ] Coordinating Hospitality for meetings (Hospitality Coordinators)
[ ] Computer skills - willing to help with data entry, website, facebook
[ ] Other – Please elaborate: