Down to Earth Garden Club, ​South Windsor, CT
Entrance Garden At Nevers Park (corner of Sand Hill Road & Chief Ryan Way)

Sensory Garden at "My Friend's Place" Boundless Playground (Nevers Road)
Betty Gehris Memorial Butterfly Garden at Nevers Park (To the right of the parking area on Chief Ryan Way).

Garden Tours
On each even numbered year, we sponsor a plant sale and tour of local South Windsor gardens. See us in May 2026 when tickets will be available for our June 2026 tour.
Garden Fund
The Down To Earth Garden Club has installed and maintains three gardens for the enjoyment of the South Windsor community. These gardens are in Nevers Park.
The Entry Garden at the corner of Sand Hill Road and Chief Ryan Way welcomes visitors to the park, as well as presents a lovely view to motorists and pedestrians passing by on Sand Hill Road.
Our newest and most ambitious project is the Butterfly Garden recently installed adjacent to the main parking lot off Chief Ryan Way as you enter the park. The initial planting in this garden was completed in late September 2009, and annuals and a park bench were added to the garden in the spring. All plants in this garden have been carefully selected to attract native butterflies to the area.
Our third garden in Nevers Park is the Sensory Garden located within the Boundless Playground near the Community Center on Nevers Road. This garden was installed in June 2007 and was designed to enable children and adults to explore the feel, the scent, the sight and even the sound of the plants. It is intended to stimulate the senses and the curiosity of visitors to the garden.
Another is a small garden surrounding the Wood Memorial Library sign in front of the library on historic Main Street. This garden was installed in memory of Ann Masi, a long time Garden Club member and children’s librarian at Wood. This garden is now maintained by Wood Memorial Library and Museum volunteers.
If you enjoy the beauty and serenity of these gardens and would like to help the Down To Earth Garden Club maintain these attractive displays, please consider making a donation to the Club’s Garden Fund. All donations, no matter how modest, will help the Club maintain and improve these community gardens. The Club hopes that you will consider donating annually to support the ongoing addition of bulbs, annuals and interesting plant species to these gardens.
For secure online donations:
Or your check to Down to Earth Garden Club can be mailed to the address below:
Down to Earth Garden Club, c/o Bill Marshall, Treasurer, 145 Rockledge Dr.,South Windsor, CT 06074
Come grow with us!